Argentina is located in the far south of the South American continent with a population of 39 million people, mostly of European descent and speak Spanish. Perhaps you have heard about what happened from the economic collapse of the currency Argentine pesos by 30% as a result of the accumulation of foreign debt on the shoulders of the state, making the state once again rise to the tourism sector as an important source of foreign currency
The most important cities of Buenos Aires (the capital) and Cordoba and Rosario Buenos Aires that city dreamy:
With a population of 3 million people and the city are those European and Arab glance due to the early Spanish influenced architecture of Arab and Islamic
Hotel rates:
Overall 3 Star Hotels room rates ranging from where the individual $ 40 to $ 119 USD
4-star hotels from $ 45 to $ 160 USD
5-star hotels from $ 130 to $ 251 USD