The height of the building crystal island 450 meters and covers an area of nearly half a million square meters of land and the total area covered by the island, about 2.5 million square meters.
I got the title of the island more ambitious construction projects in the world and estimated cost of the project to four billion dollars.
This is the second design of the building to him in the Russian capital Moscow and some people claim this project Christmas tree Moscow. It is also his third design of the building after the twin towers in Astana, Kazakhstan.
The city includes 900 units of luxury apartments, 3,000 hotel rooms, a large theater, cinema, fitness complex, a museum, an international school for 500 students and finally countless high-end stores.
The external interface of the island contain solar panels and there beside wind turbines in order to generate electricity for the tower huge that no island, and that the building is designed precisely to allow for daylight that penetrates inside throughout the city and in the heart of the structure of certain amount to them, as there are controllers in temperatures depending on the seasons of the year.