Munich or Munich (German: München) is the third largest city in Germany and the capital of the state of Bavaria. The city is located in the south of Germany on the Isar River, about an hour's drive from the Alps. Sometimes called hidden capital of Germany. A population of approximately 1.27 million people (2005 statistics). Conveniently in the center of Europe, make it across the station history and an important center of the continent. Today its economy constitute Munich, one of Germany's richest and most powerful cities economical. The seat of a number of German companies and factories task, the most important car company Baamudblao (BMW), the insurance company Allianz, Siemens company Electricals and communications company and Mann industry heavy vehicles. Is also an important center for fashion, culture and literature in Germany, where the seat of a number of television and radio stations and around 300 publishing house. Annually visited by about three million tourists. According to German statistics, the Munich city is the first favorite of living in Germany. Established by the 1972 Olympic Games.