Pretoria is located in the northern part of Gauteng Province in South Africa and is one of the capitals
The three major state where the center is a management executive, legislative and judicial.
The name was changed in May, the city of Pretoria in 2005 to name Quan, however, that this name is not
Adoption of the Ministry of Culture and the Arts, the body responsible for regulating the names of geographic areas South Africa ..
Geography and Climate:
Pretoria is located in the transition zone between Highfield and Bushveld, about 50 miles to the north of the
Johannesburg, in the north-east of South Africa, located in the warm fertile valley surrounded by hills
Madjalesberg range of 1,370 meters (4,495 feet) above sea level.
Pretoria properties:
Pretoria has a population of about one million people, and its people speak English, Zulu and other Avracanseh
Pretoria is the University Center for Academic and South Africa, as there are two universities in the south of the most important
Africa, namely the University of Pretoria and the University of public Quan of Technology, also has African Institute
For Scientific and Industrial Research. The Darul Uloom ..