A short distance away from the wide holidays, a survey by the tempo team company with 400 workers reveals that one in two do not really manage to disconnect from work while on holiday. worse, one in three
workers on vacation in a state of total exhaustion.
Work stresses us, this is not new. What is new is that this pressure increases over the years. A recent survey by Tempo Team executed by the independent consulting firm iVox with a representative sample of 400 workers, confirms this: two out of three workers experience high work pressure. Better yet, when it comes home one in three states fail to fully relax after a day's work, or even the weekend.
New forms of work but also in technology (GSM, tweet, internet, social networks), breaking the traditional boundaries between work and private life. Employees must therefore ensure that split themselves both worlds if they do not want to pay the bill. They must, among other things, avoid continually respond to emails and phone calls. Above all, they must provide sufficient breaks and rest periods during their daily program.
Half of the workers surveyed feel they need a vacation to recharge their batteries. In fact, one in three on holiday in a state of total exhaustion. Even on vacation, some remain connected to work. Nearly half of people keep occasional contact and a third regularly reads his mail or responds to blows over professionals.
Opinions differ as to whether it should take a long time interrupt or take several breaks of one week every three months; One thing is certain, stress is high at the time to return to work because in three quarters of cases, jobs have accumulated. They have not been undertaken in the meantime by another colleague.
Some advocate career breaks for working longer. Respondents regret, however, that the time credit is no longer supported nor encouraged by the authorities.
One consolation anyway, half the workers are positive stress because he took pleasure in their jobs. That's something.