On 15 January 2016, the Norwegian Pearl cruise will begin a few days toward the Bahamas from Miami. But this trip is recommended as fans of "The Walking Dead" and undead ...
Indeed, the ship will be transformed for this breakaway real zombie territory, and will include several actors on board of the American series.To experience the Zombie Apocalypse, look no further than this sailing of a new kind! In January 2016, fans of zombies, US comics and other fans of the series "The Walking Dead" will gather to board a ship for a bloody three-day journey towards the Bahamas.
For the occasion, the Norwegian Pearl, a building 300 meters long with 15 decks and can accommodate 4,500 people, will be transformed completely: pools of reddish water, pieces of undead scattered around the ship without forgetting the special decoration booths or meals that looks unsavory ...Organized in partnership with the Stalkers Walkers, an association that organizes conventions around science fiction and horror, the cruise is not intended as far as fans of the series "The Walking Dead", although several actors involved in three days of festivities. On board, cosplay contest (a practice of dressing up as their favorite characters), exhibitions and concerts will complete the program will begin January 15 in Miami before heading to Nassau, capital of the Bahamas.

If you wish to participate in the experiment, it will cost 500 francs for the cheapest cabins to more than CHF 3,800 for a suite of 80 square meters with butler ... Whatever the chosen book, the price includes access to all the facilities of the luxury liner: spa, cinema, swimming pools, casinos, shops, bowling, etc. For now, only préréservations are available but according to organizers, some passengers are already on the waiting list ...
The revival of theme cruises?Organised for the second time, the "Walker Stalker Cruise" seems popular with travelers of all ages. She is not the only to arouse the enthusiasm of travelers. In recent months, the specialized agencies in cruises offer new deals that win public support. On board, experts and / or celebrities come to share their knowledge and provide advice. In November 2015, for example, Hubert Reeves and astronaut Clervoy will board the Costa Mediterranea, Trieste, for a loop of eight days in the Adriatic Sea to explore the mysteries of space. Philosophy, music, health, cooking, literature, sports or history are just some of the themes now offered by tour operators ...