Monday, July 20, 2015

The budget and the climate determinants for choosing vacation

The budget and the climate determinants for choosing vacation
This is the budget that appears as the most important selection criterion for the French when deciding where to go on vacation, according to a study published by the site

For more than two thirds of the French, the budget (70%) and climate (67.9%) are the most important criteria determining the choice of its future holidays.

Follow the theme (49%), the interest of the destination (34.5%), business (20.2%), health and safety (16.8%). Conversely, the time difference (3.8%), affluence (12%) and even the distance (13.1%) do not matter that much in their choice.

Destinations Side, the sea is trusted (78%) while the most popular activities are hiking (31%), diving (17%) and just to party (17%).

This study covers more than 12,000 research for one year by French Internet users over 18 years.