While most car rentals are going well, the differences exist. Beware of supplements risk of return.
Check the condition of the carWhen you return the car, the damage you may be charged. That is why it is very useful to go around the vehicle carefully, initially. If you take the night car, or in an enclosed parking, redone at the earliest review in the light of day. Also note the damage inside: cigarette burns, missing cigarette lighter ...
Sometime back, you have the surprise of paying a huge amount of money for a slight surface scratch on a bumper. Dispute in writing and quickly contact the customer service of the lessor.
Should we pay a deductible?The basic insurance of any rental car is "third party". If "responsible" accident, the damage on the car are your responsibility. It can reach 10,000 euros! As a precaution, redeem this franchise (option "CDW") prior to rental. The extra cost is 8-25 euros per day, but it's worth it. With major rental companies (Europcar, Hertz, Avis, etc.), damage waiver is included in all packages "several days." Not necessarily among small renters.
However, no need to take the CDW option if you pay with a high end card (type "Gold"): the repair costs after accident on a rental car are reimbursed. In Corsica, and in several countries, redemption franchise is only partial. A "responsible" accident leaves you a share in your care franchise, a few hundred euros.
Fuel: bill on arrival?All major rental companies give car from a full tank. To fill out the return. Otherwise, you are missing fuel is charged at a high price to more than 2 euros per liter! Small renters Internet often have another tactic: the car is rented with a nearly empty tank. But sometimes they require you initially open to a premium rate. Refuse it and go refuel yourself!
In return, it will "juggle" with the kilometers for not making the vehicle with too much fuel, because you do not recover a penny for 20 or 30 liters as you leave the tank.
And for PV?If you were in Spain or Italy, some rental companies engage in an illegal practice: they retain the imprint of your card, you automatically to collect a sum on a PV. A modus operandi clearly prohibited. Especially since it deprives you of being able to challenge the offense.
Worse, sometimes the amount levied by the rental company regarding just "handling fee" for processing your fine (up to 80 euros) and you receive, subsequently, a request for payment by the country's police. Demand the repayment of sums deducted automatically after the end of the rental.