For the first time since the 2008-2009 recession, the prices paid by travelers for hotel rooms has risen to the level before the crisis in North America, with increases reaching 11% in Vancouver, 15% Chicago and 21% LA.
These data come from the Hotel Price Index produced by the booking service, half-yearly report on prices in use in major destinations worldwide. states to track price changes in "hundreds of thousands of hotels around the world."
Among the most popular Canadian cities among tourists from Canada, the price increases for a room range from 11% to 8% in Vancouver to Whistler and 7% for Niagara Falls. In Montreal and Quebec City, the price for a room has increased by 1%.
The average price of a room in Montreal is $ 170, which is more expensive than in Toronto ($ 157). Vancouver is the most expensive city, $ 174 room.
Among the 10 most popular international destinations for Canadian travelers, it's Los Angeles that has seen the rising price of the saltier Room 2015, 21% (average price: $ 219). In Seattle, the price increase is 16%, 15% in Chicago, followed by San Francisco (12%), Orlando (11%), Las Vegas (8%) and New York (6%).
In Europe, however, the room rates declined in some cities: -11% -9% in Rome and in Paris.
At the global level, the price of a hotel room rose only 1% on average during the first half of 2015, reports