According to the US magazine Fortune, the US hotel chain Marriott will launch a loan experimentation virtual reality helmet to its customers.
Standardized hotels have their charm. Whether you are heading to New York to Le Touquet or Bangkok, Novotel your room will always look the same. Even disposal chamber. Even blue plastic figurines for children. Even abstract paintings on the wall. If this is reassuring is also a bit monotonous. And it is the same for most of the big chain hotels.
To break this routine, the luxury hotel chain Marriott is about to experience a new service in its hotels London Park Lane and New York Marquis. Customers will have the ability to call the Vroom Service (congratulations for the skilful contraction), and a staff member will bring them a virtual reality headset Samsung Gear VR, which will be pre-loaded three "virtual postcards" commented:
- In Rwanda
- In Beijing, China
- In the Andes, in South America
But customers will also have access to the Milk VR platform, Samsung, where they can access other 3D movies. What is pleasantly distracted after a seminar day!