The tourist destinations with the package formerly prized by the French are no more. The physiognomy of French tourism outside France, as Les Echos has written, has changed profoundly. At the origin of this mutation, three factors: the Arab Spring, the migratory crisis and the terrorist
attacks that shook countries like Tunisia, Egypt and Turkey.
"The world has drastically changed during this decade, which has interwoven economic crisis, climatic incidents and geopolitical events (...)," says René-Marc Chikli, the president of Seto. Among them, the Arab Spring is the one that has most marked the profession of travel. "
According to the 2015-2016 ranking established by Seto, the Tour Operators' Union, based on sales of package tours, Morocco is currently ranked 6th in the Top 10 destinations of the French (154,167 tourists) When he was second in the 2006-2007 ranking (559,585). However, it has "somewhat resisted, despite the bomb blast in Marrakech in 2011".
Elsewhere, the horizon darkened. The country of Jasmin, which welcomed ten years ago 573 245 French tourists a year, is out of the Top 10. The same goes for Turkey (219 908) and Egypt (211 083). "After having profited, at first, from the disenchantment of the French for the destinations of the Maghreb, Turkey returned the image of an unstable country (...). Turkey is also associated with the drama of the war in Syria from which the refugees flock. The country, finally, is hit hard by terrorism targeting in particular places very tourist (...) ", analysis Les Echos