Paradoxically, it is then that it is deserted that one discovers the best Camping du Lac, including cottages nicely integrated into the landscape. Rob and Louise Robinson, who are in the process of obtaining French
nationality, own these 4 hectares (doubled area today) for 15 years. They are taking advantage of this annual truce to improve the facilities. Thus, over the years, there are 12 chalets facing south that were built on both sides of the coast of Peyran. The site was baptized "Les Hauts de Peyran".
Each year, there are 2 new mobile homes that replace the most dilapidated. There are 16 in total. Rob and Louise, if they count among their clientele a large number of British and Dutch, are perfectly integrated into the life of the commune, in particular within the Association of traders, actively participating in all the events.